The Interdenominational Ministers' Conference (IMC) of Greater Harrisburg was founded in the late 50’s by a group of Ministers lead by Reverend Franklin L. Henley. In addition to the need for fellowship among the brotherhood, the group of ministers also wanted to impact the city of Harrisburg in a positive way and provide leadership for issues confronting the community. A guiding mission statement was drafted to define the group’s purpose:
“In as much as the equality of humankind, justice, emancipation and liberation from oppression are real and moral issues which merit the full attention of any and every proponent of the Christian faith, there necessitates the existence of an organization of concerned clergy dedicated to initiating, supporting, and upholding sound and sincere efforts toward the achievement of full human dignity as well as promoting every opportunity for the realization of all of humanity's potential toward constructive productivity under God.”
The IMC provides a spiritual foundation for the Greater Harrisburg area by conducting an annual City-wide Revival. Guest preachers, a citywide choir, and guest musical talents all combine for an extraordinary, spiritual experience in the Lord. An annual Lenten series of services was started in 2018 which follows the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday weekend celebration.
The IMC has been instrumental in holding government officials accountable to the needs of the community. In 2008, the IMC collaborated to start the MLK Leadership Development Institute “to prepare and empower individuals committed to exercising creative leadership to improve conditions in the greater Harrisburg community."
In the Dauphin County prison system, the IMC worked to develop the Chaplaincy as well as financially supported the establishment of a Chapel in the Harrisburg Hospital. Thousands of dollars in Scholarships have been given by the IMC to students going to and those enrolled in college.
Currently with approximately 50 clergy members, the Interdenominational Minister’s Conference of Greater Harrisburg continues to do the work of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Greater Harrisburg area.